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Sexting Behaviours, Motivations, and Outcomes

Approximately 40% of emerging adults have engaged in the exchange of sexts, which is linked to poorer mental health outcomes and increased risks for cyberbullying, dating abuse, and partner violence. However, sexting is also linked to increased levels of sexual intimacy and relationship satisfaction. The likelihood of adverse consequences is greater when sexting is prompted by external motivation factors, whereas sexting for autonomous reasons more likely begets positive outcomes. Additionally, attachment styles, relationship status, and gender/sexual orientation have shown nuanced outcomes in sexting research.
The current study aims to investigate how sexting motivations moderate the link between sexting behaviours and outcomes (e.g., mental health, relationship, and sexual satisfaction) among emerging adults.
500 emerging adults who have sexted in the last three months and are currently in a romantic relationship will be recruited from Canada. Participants will complete baseline and six-week follow-up assessments on sexting behaviours, motivations, outcomes, and relationship factors. Results will guide future research and interventions on the nuanced benefits and consequences of sexting within relationships.