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News (Timeline: Left/Right)
New Publication

by Prosit Team

Check out our newest publication!

Our team investigated the comfortability of users with data collection by mobile sensing apps.  Mobile sensing apps are an excellent tool for mental health services, as we may monitor changes in environment, behaviour and psychological states faster. Although, the security and comfortability of users are essential to implement mobile sensing apps in mental health services. 

Click on the image to learn more about our findings! 



Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Grant

by Prosit Team

Our team is also excited to announce that we have received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

While social isolation has been known to contribute to poor mental well-being, few studies have examined why some youth may be experiencing problems in their social interactions. It has been theorized that the problem may lie in youths’ perception of social cues, limiting their ability to make behavioural adjustments in response to social stimuli.

With the help of SSHRC, our research will break new ground and determine whether attentional biases predict problems in social interactions and mental well-being among youth.

by Prosit Team

Our team is excited to announce that we have received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

The rate of anxiety disorders has been increasing greatly, approximately 11% of youth in Canada suffer from the disorder. The most common treatment for anxiety disorders is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), although we do not know the effectiveness of CBT in youth. Our goal is to study responses from youth with anxiety disorders undergoing CBT, using a smartphone-based app to determine the objective predictors of the treatment response.

You can read about our new funding in Dal News or by clicking the image above!

by Prosit Team

The research team at Healthy Young Minds has launched a new research project looking at the mental health needs of children, youth and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their research will help us to better plan services to meet the needs of families during the pandemic.

If you live in Nova Scotia and are a young person between the ages of 12 and 18 years, you can share your experiences here: Youth Survey.

Or, if you are a parent or caregiver of a young person who is 4 to 18 years old, you can share your experiences using the following link: Parent Survey.

New Publication

by Prosit Team

Check out our newest paper on bipolar disorders and subcortical brain volumes, co-authored by Dr. Tomas Hayek and Dr. Sandra Meier. You can read about the findings in the journal of Molecular Psychology or by clicking the image above!

New Publication

by Prosit Team

Check out our newest paper on public perceptions towards the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, co-authored by Dr. Rita Orji and Dr. Sandra Meier. You can read about the findings in the journal of JMIR Medical Informatics or by clicking the image above!

Social Media Use and Adolescent Mental Well-Being

by Prosit Team

Meet our 2021 Summer Student, Hailey!

She is an undergraduate psychology student at Dalhousie University. She recently received a Summer Studentship grant from the Dalhousie University Department of Psychiatry. Her research project will focus on the impact of social media on the mental well-being of adolescents. In November 2021, she will present her findings on Psychiatry Research Day.

Excessive Gaming and Youth Mental Health

by Prosit Team

Meet Jess, our 2021 Summer Student!

She is an undergraduate neuroscience volunteer at Dalhousie and a PROSIT research volunteer. Recently, she received an IWK Summer Studentship grant for a research project focused on the impacts of excessive gaming on youth mental health. She was also awarded funding for travel to present the results of this research at a future conference.

Important Information

by Prosit Team

This link has many resources if you are 18 or younger, but also provides links that apply to all age groups (e.g., the MindShift App):

This link has resources if you are 19 or older:

This link has resources if you are 19 years or younger:

For resources pertaining to general mental health, please visit:

For resources pertaining to mental health in relation to COVID-19, please visit:

If you are experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis, please call 902-429-8167 or 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free).

New Publication

by Prosit Team

Congratulations to our previous Masters' student, Banu Suruliraj on the publication of her Master's thesis! You can read about her findings in the journal of JMIR Formative Research or by clicking the image above.

by Prosit Team

The PROSIT team has created a TikTok account. Check it out for more information on our research and how you can get more involved.

by Prosit Team

As PROSIT's one year anniversary approaches, we would like to thank the 2500 participants who have taken part in all of our studies this past year. Without your dedication, our research would not be possible, and you have contributed to further understandings of mental health during and after COVID-19.

A huge thank you to our collaboration partners and institutions working with us, students, research assistants, volunteers, those who maintained the server, app maintenance crew, and advertising team. We look forward to working with everyone in future studies and continuing to improve our app design.

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