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Cybersteel Inc.
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San Francisco, CA 94102

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News (Timeline: Left/Right)
News Article

by Prosit Team

This news article discusses the PROSIT app and its effectiveness in battling rising mental health issues during the pandemic.

News Article

by Prosit Team

Gizmodo writes about how the PROSIT app prioritizes user security and privacy.

News Article

by Prosit Team

This Spanish article is a great introduction to the PROSIT app.

News Article

by Prosit Team

This article addresses any privacy concerns about the PROSIT app! A must-read for anyone interested in learning more.

News Article

by Prosit Team

This article by CBC contains a lot of information about how the PROSIT app works, its privacy features, and next steps. Click on the image or headline to read more!

News Article

by Prosit Team

Dal News published a feature of Dr. Meier's research on how social distancing affects youth. A very interesting read, especially if you're interested in the background of the study!

by Prosit Team

The Prosit team is humbled and proud to have secured funding from the Nova Scotia COVID-19 Health Research Coalition to study the impact of public health measures during the pandemic on mental health in youth. Learn more about the study and click on the headline or image above (the website will open in a new tab).

by Prosit Team

The preprint "A Mobile Sensing App to Monitor Youth Mental Health: A Feasibility Study" describing our Prosit APP has been published on the JMRI website. Please click on the headline or the image to get to their website (the link will open in a new tab).

by Prosit Team

We are humbled and proud to have received funding from SSHRC to study together with the Discovery Centre the impact of social media on mental well-being in youth. Click on the headline or image to go to the SSHRC website with the list of recipients for the October 2019 competition (website will open in a new tab).

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